Storytelling by Other family Members

Storytelling is a great way for a child to learn of their culture and be guided spiritually;also a child can be inspired for a career one day and bravery.  My late mother was a Master Artist and her wonderful discussions and lessons led to two generations becoming Master Artists;my son and myself. Also my father was involved in home or building decorating or re-decorating with his Paperhanging Business and his excellent discussions led my son who is now in his early 20's to be a Lead Green Architect Designer and Re-Designer of Homes and Businesses(he recently graduated NJIT Architect College with honors).  In addition, my father was in World War II Post 538 and a Medic on the battlefield and he is a retired Veteran now;he had many very inspiring talks with my son, one of which was about meeting the Late Great General Eisenhower, who later became one of the greatest and one of the most caring Presidents of all time. Late Mr President Eisenhower was a Republican that believed and held his principles high always while in office to always support the disabled, poor and elderly. In my opinion, Mr President Eisenhower would be appalled today, if he was living now, at what the Republicans are doing by allowing the wealthy to have such high tax breaks because he said that any Political party that does not support the disabled , poor and elderly should not be in office. Today, our Mr President Obama is fighting for the same wonderful principles as the Late Mr President Eisenhower. My son recently saved the life of one of his fellow students at college that was being attacked by a 7'8" strange man. My father still volunteers at the Veterans Hospital and Home in Paramus, NJ. Also my son Christmas day volunteered most of the day at a hospital  but, for children.

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