Infant Teething Fever Pain Relief

1. A Pacifier that you can freeze is one of the best relief for an infant teething; have a few and give it to your infant on and off throughout the day.

2. An infant will also have more relief if you give them some baby Zwieback or Manichewitz’s soft Matzah, or Egg Matzah (it comes this way in the box and is even softer).

3. Infant Tylenol but, consult a pediatrician first before administering to your infant; a little drop of Tylenol applied to the affected area of your infants mouth helps.

4. Also mom’s homemade chicken soup always helps.

5. Please, always check often your child’s temperature while teething; my son ran a fever and I know many infants that had fevers as a result of teething.

6. Also  a lot of hugs helps a lot.

7. I wish all that celebrate a wonderful, healthy and safe Easter or Passover!

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